forgecomsorp Admin replied

337 weeks ago

Good Guys Full Movie Hd 1080p Download

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7cb1d79195 Two good cops fight the corruption and dirt on the streets of Bucharest
This Romanian TV series was quite remarkable. Bogdan Barbulescu managed to cohere comedy and action. I was also taken back by how well the actors played. Cabral is a very known Romanian actor / host. His comedy is well known throughout Romania and many people appreciated his acting skills. Cabral managed to make his character very believable and quite humorous at most times. I enjoyed watching this movie because it gave me a good image of how 'good' cops arrest criminals and stop corruption in Bucharest. I personally have never been part of a police force, so I couldn't verify if the series' context was 100% true.<br/><br/>10/10. One of the best Romanian TV Series I've seen.

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last edited 260 weeks ago by forgecomsorp
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